Kauai '97 Photo Album

Photos taken on the Kalalau Trail on the North Shore of Kauai on 10/19/97 by Mike Garcia, while running with his other Hawaiian Ultra Running Team (HURT) members PJ Salmonson, Jackie Odre, akabill Molmen and their guest from the mainland, Stan Jensen. The 22 mile round trip took us 8:15 (4 hours out, 30 minutes of relaxing, and 4:15 return).                 Please ignore the red marks on the photos (they're not Mike's fault).

Stan and PJ on an early, wide section of the trail. These trails are not for those with a fear of heights.
PJ and Stan descend some windy switchbacks. Note PJ's aquifer vest ... bring lots of fluids!
We're halfway there!
(note trail to right of Stan's sleeve)
The initiation: a waterfall shower at the beach.
Looking back to the east. The Kalalau Beach (waterfall in left background).
Like I said ... narrow trails and steep dropoffs. akabill and Stan share a birthday cake with PJ.

"http://www.run100s.com/hiphotos/97sj.htm" (updated: 8/26/99) stanj@run100s.com