Tuesday Day Crew (4/19/05)

Active crew (all year long):

Stacy Bezyack

Sue Burns

Janis Crawford

Marie DeStefanis

Sherry Dunning

Mitch Fong

Susan Gray

Sophie Guarasci

Beth Inadomi

Stan Jensen
Asst. Sup.

Susan Johnson

Keith Kane

Amber Makie
Asst. Sup.

Laura Mullen

Ari Rozycki

Rhonda Stewart

Vanessa Takahashi

Richard Vance
Retired/inactive crew members: Alicia Shillito, Alison Cleary, Alison Pawluskiewicz, Ann Trason, Anna Draxler, Annie Kitchen, Ben Nilsen, Beth Whitney, Bill Downing, Brian Busta, Carol Gamble, Christine Funk, Dana Bialashewski, Erica Hockett, Isabelle Schmutz, Jay Courant, Jeff Small, Jennifer Witherspoon, Jill Fortuna, Jim Soria, Kim Wheat, Lesley Cowley, LeVanna Vassau, Lisa Turin, Lynn Small, Marlene Kandall, Mary Bachman, Matthias Elliott, Melissa Hafez, Michael Kleeman, Naomi Tolliver, Nick Simons, Rachael Coumbe, Renee Bradshaw, Simone Haas, Susan Tompkins, Tracy Fleig & Werner Frischknecht
Crew photos

3/8/05 crew - Back: Sue, Stacy, Richard, Susan, Stan, Dan & Mitch.
Middle: Sophie, Maria, Sherry, Ari & Marie.
Front: Amber.

9/7/04 crew - Back: Alison, (Deb), Amber, Stacy, Marie, Sherry & Stan.
Front: Sophie, Richard, Brian & Sue.

6/15/04 crew - Back: Joelle, Joy, Marie, Stacy, Sue, Marie & Kim.
Middle: Stan, Sherrill & Beth.
Front: Jennifer, Sophie, Rachael & Amber.

4/18/04 crew - Back: Marlene, Susan, Richard, Stacy, Sherrill, Kim, Rachael & Erica.
Front: Carol, Stan, Marie, Sue, Amber & Renee.

12/9/03 crew - Erica, Sherrill, Amber, Stacy, Renee, Stan, Richard, Beth and Keith.

5/13/03 crew - Back: Mark, Marie, Stacy, Sherrill, Susan, Richard and Stan.
Middle: Ben     Front: Amber, Beth, Sue, Rachael and Lisa.

12/3/02 crew - Back: Werner, Sue, Melissa, Ben, Amber, Michael, Marlene, Sherrill and Richard.
Front: Oona, Marie, Stan and Zoe.

3/19/02 crew - Sue, Jay, Sherrill, Alison, Stacy, Melissa, Richard, Alicia, Rhonda, Marie, Lesley, Stan and Ann.

"http://www.Run100s.com/TMMC/TueCrew.htm" (updated: 7/29/08) StanJ@Run100s.com